Flexible offers accessible to all, suitable for all types of investors and offering unparalleled profitability.

Flexible offers that are accessible to all, suitable for all types of investor and offering unrivalled returns.

NSIA ASSET MANAGEMENT specializes in the creation and management of investment vehicles, mainly in the form of UCIs (Collective Investment Organizations), intended for the general public or on behalf of a third party.

NSIA ASSET MANAGEMENT specialises in the creation and management of investment vehicles, mainly in the form of UCIs (Undertakings for Collective Investment), intended for the general public or on behalf of a third party.

Mutual Fund (FCP)

- Véhicule de placement qui n’a pas de personnalité morale;
– Distribue des parts sans droit de vote aux investisseurs;
- Les porteurs de parts sont copropriétaires du FCP.

Invest Company with variable capital (ICVC)

– Société Anonyme (SA) qui émet en permanence des actions au fil des souscriptions;
– Les investisseurs de ce type de véhicule sont des actionnaires;
–Les actionnaires bénéficient d'un droit de vote.

Other investment companies

– Sociétés d’investissement agréés ou non;
– Intervention limitée à la gestion pour compte de tiers.

Mutual funds (FCP)

- Unincorporated investment vehicle;
- Distributes non-voting units to investors;
- Unitholders are co-owners of the mutual fund.

Open-ended investment companies (SICAVs)

– Limited Company (LC) which continuously issues shares as subscriptions are made;
– Investors in this type of vehicle are shareholders;
– Shareholders have voting rights.

Other investment companies

- Authorised or unauthorised investment companies;
- Limited to management on behalf of third parties.

We offer you the best solutions to better manage
your investments

We offer you the best solutions to better manage
your investments

We are located:

In Ivory Coast : Abidjan, NSIA BANQUE Building 1st and 2nd floor, 2 Plateaux Vallons, Rue des jardins Phone Number: +225 27 20 33 08 90

In Benin : NSIA ASSURANCES Building, 1066, Boulevard Saint Michel, 08 BP 0258 Postal sorting Cotonou-Benin Phone Number: +229 67 80 94 46

In Senegal: Mermoz PYROTECHNIE NUMERO 75A Phone Number: +221 77 265 94 94


NSIA Asset Management

Subsidiary of the NSIA Group owned by NSIA Participations, NSIA Finance and NSIA Banque Côte d'Ivoire

Share capital

Limited Company with Board of Directors with capital of 600 million FCFA

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